Sunday, October 22, 2017


by Helen Borel, RN,PhD

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) pathology is the failure of the individual to behave
in a mature manner, and failure to show genuine concern for others. Classically, the NPD entity is incapable of caring about you...or anyone else!  He/She exploits others’ time, concern, generosity, feelings.  Such creatures feel ZERO for what you and all others experience.  And they really
do not care when they hurt, hamper, inconvenience and destroy you and others. This entity is
The Classic Monster = ME-ME-ME.

They are ENTITLED to whatever they envy, and you deserve nothing.

Unfortunately for such SELF-DEFICIENT characters, there’s nothing inside them to offer others ...or, sadly, even themselves.  You make a grave mistake when you assume – because of the NPD creature’s good looks, oily charm, and superficial intellect – that you are dealing with a genuine
human being. You are not!  They look like regular people, but they are not!

NPDs are Fake People. They feign “suffering” but they don’t really suffer. They, however,
constantly complain about how others have done them wrong.  Parents, co-workers, sisters,
brothers, ex-spouses (and there are often a number of these), “friends”...all fall victim to the NPD's shriveled ego which masquerades as pride, hubris, self-superiority and gross Self-ENTITLEMENT.
As a result of her/his distorted character, you can expect (if you are unfortunate enough to get
entangled with such) major manipulations of your time, your concerns, your sincerity, your finances.

When you feel uncomfortable around such an entity...when you feel anger rising in you under, what
externally appears, ordinary circumstances
...there IS something wrong. You are being had!  You
are being verbally twisted!  You are being manipulated by the one-way goal of the NPD individual.
To access Expert, Empathic PsychoTherapy
 (See more Personal Therapy information at the end of this blog.)
Again, I emphasize, The NPD individual does NOT care about you, nor about anyone else.
The NPD entity is merely A CARICATURE of a human.  He/she manages to imitate being a real  human (education, appearance, work).  Be smart.  Don’t be fooled.  Because “being human" means
one has Empathy and a Conscience.  Both are grossly absent in the NPD.

Knowing such are without a conscience and without empathy, consider the NPD type a Monster.  But, always in disguise, appearing human, appearing real. Therefore, you are in great emotional and financial peril if you get suckered into a relationship with it in a job, in a
love, in a healthcare, or a business relationship.  The thing these types are highly skilled at is EXPLOITATION of others.  Others includes You.  And they laugh about it because they believe
they got over on you. (In most cases it's true, they did.) That’s their biggest thrill of all.  Strangely, NPDs are less intent on the exploitative goal they were after (though, believe me, they
want that too) than on having fooled you, hurt you, disappointed  you.

Think about that extremely wealthy Bernie Madoff.  (He made off with other people’s money.
His last name aptly describes what this empty character did.)  He didn’t need more money. 
He simply needed the thrill of fooling others. This is the major coup.  Remember the twinkle
in his eye when he was finally caught? Yes, he’s a cross between a Psychopath and an NPD.
Ergo, the NPD has many features of  psychopathy, particularly an absent or extremely 
weak conscience. There appears a visible joy in these two-legged monsters when they hurt, disappoint, cheat and damage others...particularly-> they revel in tricking others.

WATCH OUT for These DISTRESSING FEELINGS and REACTIONS in YOURSELF when    you assume you are interacting with a Real Human Person...but he/she is an Empty NPD:
1) You give too much extra time to hear out what seem, at first, legitimate complaints about others
    ...even though the NPD-loser knows, very well, she/he is wasting your time with hogwash.
2) Feeling rising anger during his/her verbal forays and tangled “explanations” that lead nowhere
    and waste your time.
3) Experiencing Increasing Annoyance and Befuddlement as the NPD Manipulates You verbally,
    screws up appointments, lies about “illnesses,” preys on Your Empathy but never benefits or               improves her/his outlook or behavior from anything you say or do to help them.

1) Blowing off an appointment with you without notice...and...
2) Not picking up their phone, when a no-show, nor explaining the lapse
3) Lying to you about non-existent illnesses
4) Laughing about others’ “lower intelligence,” imperfect execution of their jobs and overt
    disdain for all others.  Seems only the NPD is perfect.
    Psychologically, yes...A Perfect Personality Mistake!!!
5) Jealousy of others’ accomplishments, ‘though making zero effort to achieve such themselves.
6) Blatant lying while acting clueless about the obvious to you both, with zero capacity to
    admit wrongs or to apologize.

DON’T GET BAMBOOZLED by the NPD NON-PERSON  At first, it’s very difficult to recognize these, what I call, “human monsters”.  I mean, they look human, but their actions and inactions
belie this.  That’s because of their superficial traits – good looks, manipulative “charm,” and surface “intellect”.  So keep a keen eye open and your emotions on hold when you meet new individuals.

Remember, the NPD experiences NOTHING, feels NOTHING for you!  Therefore, you can’t benefit at all from trying to relate to such an EMPTY entity that never feels Empathy.  Lacking
empathy means what’s inside this creature is EMPTINESS.

The only “E” word the NPD character knows is EXPLOITATION...of your time, of your caring,
of your knowledge, of your achievements, of your money.  And the Narcissistic Personality Disordered being has ZERO capacity to change for the better.  Got one of these in your life?
Get away fast!

Often, we assume certain emotional/social/behavioral “frailties” will burn out as the afflicted
pass middle age.  That their interactions with family, co-workers, others gets more mature,
less me-me-me. as they age.   However, the NPD seems stubbornly fixed on destroying others
for self-aggrandizement even into old age.

Crucial: If you're NPD-entangled, in any way ~ family/friend/work/love ~ LEAVE and LIVE AGAIN!

CALL for my Expert, Compassionate PsychoTherapy**
                       (212) 873-5640
7 days a week, 12 Noon to 10 pm New York City time

IN-PERSON SESSIONS – Manhattan, New York City
TELEPHONE SESSIONS – NYC, all USA states, and WorldWide

**Low, subsidized fees. **You pay only what you can afford.

...and do visit my
Your Emotional Comfort Zone

Whatever emotional distress or psychiatric diagnosis you are living
with, my
PsychoTherapy will help you feel better and live happier. So don’t delay. The 
sooner you get my help, the faster your life will become better and better.

(c) Copyright 2017 Dr. Helen Borel. All rights reserved. 

Friday, August 11, 2017


by Helen Borel, RN,MFA,PhD

The Baby Monkey Experiment
Decades ago, psychiatric scientists performed a sad experiment.  They set up two separate
rooms into each of which they introduced an infant monkey.  Only one object, for each of
the infant monkeys to cling to, was installed in each room.

In one otherwise bare empty room, stood a big, flimsy-looking, black wire “mother”
(a construct like a “head” with a “body”, loosely made of metal webbing).

In the second also bare empty room, soft white terrycloth toweling completely covered
a similar “wire mother”.

Both the cold metal and terrycloth “mothers” had nippled bottles of milk attached to the
“body” areas.

The results of this cruel experiment were predictable by any nonscientist with common
sense.  The infant simian placed with the “terrycloth mother” drank the milk, cuddled
with the “mother,” and thrived.  The infant simian abandoned by the heartless “scientists”
with the cold, “wire mother” shriveled emotionally and developed schizophrenia-like
To access Expert, Empathic PsychoTherapy
 (See more Personal Therapy information at the end of this blog.)

The Myth of the “Schizophrenogenic Mother”
Caution: Of course, this ethically-questionable “experiment” took place in an era when the,
now discredited, concept of a so-called “schizophrenogenic mother” was rife in psychiatric
circles.  The idea, that a mother alternating, warm “come-to-me-I-love-you” messages with
cold “get-away-from-me, I’ve-no-feeling-for-you” messages confused her child with
painful inconsistency thereby precipitating schizophrenia, though false, damaged the lives
of these mothers on top of the burden they had to bear of seeing their beloved children
descend into worsening psychosis.

Due to this faulty notion, too many mothers of severely ill schizophrenics, so mislabeled,
blamed, and baffled by befuddled psychiatrists, were themselves emotionally wounded while 
trying to help their psychotic young adult children who were floundering in a sea of voices
and visions now known to be generated by cerebral pathology.

The Anatomy and Physiology of Major Mental Disorders
The lesson here: Many psychiatric illnesses are genetic, especially psychotic conditions like
bipolar disorder (swings between mania and depression), schizophrenia, and severe chronic
depression with delusions.

Other conditions, like personalities warped by childhood traumas, might be attributable to
actions of adult miscreants toward the developing child.

However, conditions like Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Attention Deficit Hyper-
activity Disorder (ADHD), Asperger’s syndrome, Autism, even Shyness, Excessive Anxiety,
and uncontrollable Anger Outbursts as in Borderline patients are all attributable to some
cerebral malfunction
, whether anomalous brain anatomy (some distorted or absent key
brain tissue) or disordered brain chemistry (an imbalance between feel-good neurochemicals
and mood-lowering or mood-agitating neurochemicals).  Both of the latter anatomical and/or
physiologic disruptions, which interact with each other to produce disordered thoughts and
repetitive strange and dysfunctional behaviors, are known to be etiologic (causative) of
psychiatric illnesses.  Not mothers!

Empathic, Interactive PsychoTherapy Improves Suffering Patients’ Lives
Expert, high quality PsychoTherapy that identifies causes of suffering, brings them to
the surface of consciousness, and helps you reformulate a view of who you are which is
healthy and consciously Self-Loving, often reduces and even eliminates mental anguish
and emotional suffering.  Which allows you to move on to a  healthier you...emotionally,
socially, careerwise, and also on to love-relationship success.

CALL for my Expert, Compassionate PsychoTherapy**
                       (212) 873-5640
7 days a week, 12 Noon to 10 pm New York City time

IN-PERSON SESSIONS – Manhattan, New York City
TELEPHONE SESSIONS – NYC, all USA states, and WorldWide

**Low, subsidized fees. **You pay only what you can afford.

...and do visit my
Your Emotional Comfort Zone

Whatever emotional distress or psychiatric diagnosis you are living

with, PsychoTherapy will help you feel better and live happier. So don’t
delay. The sooner you get my help, the faster your life will become better
and better.

(c) Copyright 2017 Dr. Helen Borel. All rights reserved.

Saturday, August 5, 2017


PsychoTherapy Gets You a Quality Social Life.

by Helen Borel, RN,MFA,PhD

Your loneliness comes from many sources. Fortuitously, PsychoTherapy
helps you retrieve the causes of your isolation.  It helps you overcome them. 
Then it helps you reach out for human contact and succeed in making friends. 
Out of your sessions, as a result, you are able to recognize the difference
between toxic people and those who’d make valuable friends.This awareness,
then, enables you to find and keep just the right love partner.
You CAN build Social Skills, Gain Friends, 
and have A True Love Life NOW!
Find out who you really are and how to 
connect with others by entering
at my
(More therapy-contact info at the close of this article.)


Weak or Unreliable Emotional Attachments from a Troubled Childhood
Self reliance and confidence come from an inner emotional steadiness, a
strength in knowing who you uniquely are.  This awareness solidifies, slowly
and surely, in the loving, nurturing emotional zone your mother cradles you
in from birth. It further deepens in the atmosphere of loving paternal and
maternal parents who adapt to you and encourage you to be you as you
grow physically, intellectually and emotionally.

But repeated physical abuse or verbal torture from emotionally immature
or mentally ill parents, or other caretakers, disrupts the evolution of your
Real Self which, unbeknownst to you, slips underground into your
Unconscious.  And there it remains, protected from harm but unable to
mature further, until PsychoTherapy helps you bring it into conscious awareness.

Then, when you recognize, welcome, and embrace the magnificence of who
you really are, the profound nature of your Real Self, reaching out to others
gets easier.

Abandonment Experiences
Feelings of isolation and loneliness can come from growing up in a one-parent
family, whether your absent parent died or whether he or she deserted your
family. In childhood, you need the perspectives of both a mother and a father to
gain a well-rounded view of your ever-widening world and the other people
in it.  Absent some of these crucial positive influences, you will suffer some
low self-esteem issues that could cause you to isolate from others.

This course of your emotional life, with even more overwhelming feelings
of loss, disruption and abandonment, is worsened if you grew up in an
orphanage, or suffered a negative foster care childhood.

Inborn Shyness
This is genetic.  Innate Shyness causes hesitation in reaching out to others.
And when others don’t make the first move with a friendly smile, an invitation,
a willingness to converse, engage and interact, a shy person retreats and then
tends to feel more unwanted.

When these unsuccessful socializings repeat again and again, a shy person
assumes this is further confirmation of his/her “unwantedness” and tends to
retreat to a habitual solitariness. Thus sets in motion a repetitive cycle of
Self-Negation and feelings of Low Self-Worth.

High Creativity
Artistic Personalities often appear to be, or are, “loners”.  This is not
necessarily because you as an artist prefer to be alone, nor because you are

It’s because, given a 24-hour day, you sleep 8, you work at a salaried job 8,
and, with travel, miscellanea, meals, and more, there’s little time left to paint,
compose, write, invent, etc.  Let alone nurture friendships.  It’s difficult,
therefore, for you as a creative being to develop the varied interactive skills
necessary to socialize and make special friends successfully.

Negative Self-Talk
This is a habitual mental health problem that everyone falls into at times.
Some people more than others.  However, if you tell these self-negatives to
your brain on a consistent basis and if you are determined to believe these
falsehoods about your Self, not only will you lack peace of mind and be
haunted by anxiety and worry, but your ability to engage others and enjoy
their company will be grossly impaired.  Like seeing new people through
a trick mirror that misrepresents them. Like seeing your physical self
distorted, too, by your faulty thinking.

Thus, you can’t trust others with your thoughts and feelings, you can’t
allow yourself to get close to others,  if you keep convincing yourself there
is so much wrong with you. This is essentially a kind of paranoia, where
you’re convinced others are viewing you as inferior and experiencing you as
defective because you are projecting your own self-negatives onto others
erroneously. This pathologic ideation results in you assuming that others
view you negatively, that they can’t like you, nor care about you, nor love you.

PsychoTherapy helps you retrieve unresolved traumas, abandonments,
misunderstandings.  It helps you straighten out distorted memories and
troubled feelings from early childhood when you had neither the vocabulary
nor the emotional development to fully grasp and describe to yourself what
you were going through.

By positive contrast, PsychoTherapy also helps you retrieve buried memories
of some warm, wonderful, loving times that you unconsciously submerged
to protect them from expected future damage.

Once your past sufferings and joys are emerged, through talk and (sometimes)
tears, through laughter and struggles of growth, through actual new life
experiences and dreams, all of your Real Self is free to feel all your Real Feelings
in the present.  Now, being more and more open to your Real True Self, you can
more easily interact with others.

At this stage, as you’ll experience it, your PsychoTherapy will concentrate on
what’s happening NOW in your life. It will focus on who you actually are currently
relating to, on how you can achieve your goal of emergence from your loneliness
and sustain new friendships. Your therapy, then, helps you build on these Self-
solidifying experiences to achieve the love relationship you’ve been longing for.

CALL for my Expert, Compassionate PsychoTherapy**
                       (212) 873-5640
7 days a week, 12 Noon to 10 pm New York City time

IN-PERSON SESSIONS – Manhattan, New York City
TELEPHONE SESSIONS – NYC, all USA states, and WorldWide

**Low, subsidized fees. **You pay only what you can afford.

...and do visit my
Your Emotional Comfort Zone

Whether you’re lonely or suffer any other emotional distress or psychiatric
diagnosis, PsychoTherapy will help you feel better and live happier. So don’t
delay. The sooner you get my help, the faster your life will become better
and better.

(c) Copyright 2017 Dr. Helen Borel. All rights reserved.